
We're going to have an exciting mutually pleasant date. It's the little details that make a big impression. I can't wait to have lots of fun with you.

Thank you for reviewing my requirements and procedure. 


  • Credit cards are not accepted. Please prepare cash in the right currency. Highly appreciated if you have the exact amount of money.
  • The Donations are not negotiable. Exception could be for long time bookings. 2days and more.
  • There are services included in the price and extra services. Please check what is offered to avoid any misunderstanding during the meeting.
  • Advanced booking is welcome. The sooner you make booking the bigger chance is to be available. The minimum advanced booking time is 2 hours before the meeting.
  • Before the meeting please make sure you are freshly showered, good smell from mounth, smell nice, etc. Please be a gentleman. This will be appreciated and generously rewarded.